Friday, March 30, 2012

Update: 2 marathons: Alien and a bunch of cars!

Hello readers,

Well, March will soon turn into April and, as promised, the activity at Between the Seats should be a little more regular than it has been during this month. Like the blossoming flora of early springtime, Between the Seats will also be strutting its stuff proudly for your reading pleasure. With the conclusions of both the BBS Productions Presents and Comica Obscura marathons upon us (only 1 film in each left!), it was time to devise some new themes for the weeks and months to come.

In conjunction with the newborn Formula 1 season (not that I watch much if it, but I figured this would me look cool), April will have a Fast Men, Faster Cars marathon in which we shall, you guessed it, watch and review a bunch of movies about the adrenaline filled sport of both professional and amateur racing. We are going with a rather loose definition of 'racing' as not every film will feature genuine races specifically, but certainly characters which engage in motor vehicle chases at various intervals in their adventures. Get your engines ready! Awaiting anxiously at the starting line are:

May will offer a special little project. By that time, there will only be approximately 1 month before the long awaited release of Ridley Scott's Prometheus film (June 8th), which sees the director reveal a new tale from a universe which should be familiar to almost any self-described science-fiction and horror fan. The Alien franchise is dear to our hearts, strengths weaknesses and all. So much has been written about the quadrilogy however, both by the professional critics and bloggers such as ourselves. 

Knowing that, what would be the point of rehashing some familiar praise and criticism? Therefore, in order to keep lively a bit livelier and less predictable, we have decided to offer, obviously, reviews of each installment, but through a more personable writing style that will highlight some of the larger and smaller, more intimate details of the films that we love. Think of it as regular length reviews, but written in capsule review style and with the author excitingly putting on a geek hat instead of our usual, more clinical and pseudo-intellectual one. Since we will be watching out for the details too, do not expect only love for Alien and strictly insults launched towards Resurrection! Got you attention now? It should be fun. Naturally, expect a review for Prometheus shortly thereafter.

Thanks for reading!

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