(2011, Steven Soderbergh)
seems as though every new Soderbergh film is an event, albeit not one
that necessarily brings movie goers to the multiplex in droves.
Rather, the 'event' status the director's films benefit from concern
chiefly the many cinema buffs who eagerly await what box of surprises
they will be get next for no one every knows what to expect from one
film to another. If there is something Soderbergh long ago, it is his
skillful capacity to adapt and meld his talents for the purpose of
virtually any genre. In the case of Haywire, the principle
benefactor from the director's influence is newcomer Gina Carano,
whose talents up until now were demonstrated on the mats of MMA
Kane (Gina Carano) is a stunningly effective gun for hire. Her career
as a covert operator in the private sector takes her from country to
country in a variety of life threatening missions. Kenneth (Ewan
McGregor) is the man who sets up the contracts for his highly skilled
team, which also includes Aaron (Chaning Tatum), young brash, and
definitely has the hots for Mallary. The viewer is launched straight
into the thick of Mallary's current predicament from the very first
scene, in which she is savagely attacked by Aaron at a diner in
upstate New York. She escapes with th help of a local (Michael
Angarano) with whom she drives off and shares her tale of betrayal
and revenge. Things went 'haywire' 10 days ago in Barcelona during
what seemed at the time to be an extract mission for one Chinese
journalist, which, it turns out, was but the tip of the iceberg in a
plot for one evil person, Rodrigo (Antonio Banderas) help
another, Studder (Mathieu Kassovitz), with the help of Kenneth and
one British (Michael Fassbender) called into to finish her off. Now,
only her father (Bill Paxton) and a U.S. Government official (Michael
Douglas) can help her.
more one thinks about it, the more it seems silly to write down how
Haywire is 'surprisingly' good. Has this director ever made a
full-on action adventure piece before? No, not unless people are
generous enough to categorize films such as the Ocean trilogy
under that moniker. Despite this, his continuing ability to prove
himself capable of making good pieces of cinema despite whatever
genre restrictions might stifle his creativity has been demonstrated
time and time again. Therefore, it should come as no surprise that
Haywire is not only a fine action movie, but a fine movie,
period. In fact, even though January releases are so often long lost
in the memories of movie fans when the time arrives to construct end
of the year lists, it may be rightful to suspect that those with
inclinations toward the action genre will immediately call back to
this film and rightfully reserve it a cozy spot. 11 months to go for
that statement to be proven correct or false.
where do the picture's many envious qualities lie? Lest she be
overlooked in the immense list of Hollywood stars that shine on
screen, the discussion should commence with Gina Carano herself, and
not merely for her impressive physical presence, which is abundantly
clear anyhow at numourous moments. Her acting was, argubably, the
great unknown heading into this film, It is one thing to rest hope in
the hands of a fully capable director, it is another to rest iit n
the hands of someone who has never acted and gets the role of the
central figure. Any doubters are proven wrong very quickly. Carano
brings to the role of Mallary a special kind of focus and nuance, the
sort which helps flesh out her character, emotionally at the very
least if not plot-wise, and makes her memorable and worthy of the
audience's empathy. She is cool and aloof when need be, deadly
intense when in the line of duty, and also demonstrate a subtly
softer side in the few, make that very few occasions when she is
afforded the briefest moments to relax her muscles and instincts. It
is not only a testament to the direction but equally to the charm and
plausible acting chops exercised by Carano, making seem quite
remarkable that Haywire is her first major role. If the future
holds more fantastic films and roles for her, she may very well be a
force to be reckoned with alongside male stars such as Dwayne
Johnson, Vin Diesel and Daniel Craig.
is no need to beat around the proverbial bush any longer than has
already been:Haywire is filled to the brim with adrenaline
pumping, bone crunching, realistically painful chases and fight
scenes. Both should be understood as distinct, especially in the
context of this film. Yes, both do, in fact, represent different
sorts of action, but the differences are not limited to the nature of
the sequences, but also their presentation in Haywire. When a
chase occurs, Soderbergh and his team develop an incredibly dynamic
array of edits, camera angles and, in one case, even colour schemes.
There is a sense of vitality to the pursuits which is all too often
lacking in films of this kind. Experimentation was on the mind of the
filmmakers, unsurprising when considering the talent involved, and
whether or not it is experimentation for experimentation's sake, it
nevertheless works with stunning smoothness. Scenes involving brawls
are no less impressive, albeit for entirely different reasons. In
such instances, flash takes a backseat for a more grounded style of
filmmaking, with the cuts chosen very judiciously so as to reveal
just how intricately demanding the fights are. Here is a advice many
directors fail to heed: show the audience how awesome the fights are,
do not cut so quickly to make the audience think the fights
are awesome. Just let them happen...and let the good, if painful,
times roll. Sound design when fists and legs crash into faces and
chests excels at grounding the movie into a degree of reality.
Powerful thuds express contact, not cartoonish 'pows!'
content with merely delivering a thrilling spy and action picture, Haywire
offers up some cleverly inserted character and story-based elements,
all of which makes the experience that much more complete. The actual
bare bones plot of the film is not the most engaging (it is actually a
bit mundane in certain respects), but the depiction of Mallary is,
insofar as everybody else's opinion of her differs. There is some
brief commentary about her being such a talented female operative
that hits the right notes, as well as her relationship with her
father, expertly played by Paxton, whose character is himself an
ex-soldier, making the dynamic between the two that much more
interesting and easy to accept.
story to follow, an endlessly fabulous cast, a surprisingly effective
performance from Carano, sumptuous action choreography and
cinematography, and a catchy score from David Homes make for great
entertainment. Given how dry the Hollywood landscape traditionally
is in the first month of the year, people should do themselves a
favour and at least check out Soderbergh's latest.
Completely agree with everything stated your review. The story is as basic as you can get but the action and Carano make this film extremely entertaining.