Tuesday, November 15, 2011

Forgotten Film Noir returns!

Hello readers.

Some of you may recall that very early in the year, Between the Seats blitzed through a film noir marathon. It was boat loads of fun to discover those fantastic, lesser known films. It is a genre much beloved among film buffs, functioning as a venue for sharp dialogue, deliciously ambiguous characters and some haunting cinematography. Needless to say that any opportunity to watch some more shall be heartily welcomed here at the blog. Over at Filmspotting, some of the message board members are in the midst of their own film noir marathon, aptly titled noir-vember.

Between the Seats will join in on the fun as well. To simplify things, we will not create a new name for the marathon despite that the films discussed this time are most certainly more popular and familiar to film lovers. In a sense, the title still applies given how people today do not have a tendency to appreciate cinema's past, with the exception the more astute movie goers. There is never anything wrong with going with what's new mind you, but one cannot forget where the 'new' came from. The Forgotten Film Noir Marathon gets a sequel!

Hopefully you will follow along once again. Come back in the coming days when this pot-boiler of a marathon gets under way!

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