Saturday, August 13, 2011

Festival des films du monde 2011 and more

With one major Montréal film festival over (Fantasia), it's time to ready ourselves for another. This time, it's an event that promises more 'normal' films, the Festival des films du monde de Montréal, which runs from Thursday August 18th to Sunday August 28th 2011.

Between the Seats was able to provide more coverage than originally foreseen for Fantasia partly due to the fact the editor in chief's work schedule slackened significantly during that event. Such is not the case for the coming weeks, so do not expect as many reviews from the FFM, as the Festival des films du monde de Montréal will be referred to from now on. Still, we hope to see a couple of films for every day off we get, meaning a total which can range anywhere from 6-8 films. Not bad all things considered. The films in question have not been chosen and that might require a few extra days seeing as how an absolute insane amount of movies plays at this event (over 400, shorts included).

Some of you might not remember this but back in May when it was announced that your beloved blog would attend such festivals, there was a possibility of something else, something bigger happening in the near future. Well, I have good news and bad news. Let's get the bad out of the way, shall we?

The bad news is essentially what won't be happening. More specifically, there were some plans to attend the Toronto International Film Festival. For a variety of reasons, that will not come to fruition. It is certainly not out of a lack of interest, believe us, but Between the Seats' presence at North America's most prestigious film festival will have to wait for another year, alas.

Out of that emerges some good news however!

Our absence at one festival means that we can attend others (makes sense if you think about it, no?). The primary one on our minds at the moment is the Festival du nouveau cinéma, which hits Montréal in mid October every year, this time from October 12th to October 23rd. It is the smallest of the three 'major' Montréal festival after FFM and Fantasia and, believe it or not, is one that the chief editor of this blog has never been to. It is celebrating its 40th anniversary and promises to be quite exciting. Its main focus is supporting independent filmmakers from Québec and around the world. This is a lock as far as Between the Seats coverage goes. You can mark it down on your calenders if you like.

While this second bit of good news is not official for plans have to be made and whatnot, another fall festival is on the blog's radar, the Toronto After Dark Film Festival. We have never been to this either, but it sounds a lot like Fantasia, only much shorter. But of course, if it's more brief, you know they have to up the ante! The awkward thing about this event is that it begins before Festival du nouveau cinema ends (October 20th to October 27th), which poses a slight problem. Provided our hopes to attend After Dark are realized, one of these two festivals is going to get short changed. Which one I do not know yet. Again, attendance at After Dark is not confirmed, but we haven't been to Toronto in a few years and seeing as how a visit to TIFF won't happen, we should make some extra effort to be at this other festival.

And there you have it, readers. Between the Seats will do its best to provide as much coverage of these events as time and money can afford. As always, thank you very much for following and reading. It's a pleasure writing for you!

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