Monday, August 1, 2011

Blog update

Hello readers!

First and foremost, I want to take a couple minutes to apologize for the weird delay in updates that occurred from about Thursday July 21st to Wednesday July 27th. I had a sneaking suspicion the work load was going to increase over the course of the weekend (case in point: I almost never work Sundays and yet did on the 24th). Not to mention that they were long, long days, so watching movies and certainly writing about them quickly was out of the question.Thanks for still visiting during that stretch though. Much appreciated!

August is upon us and some of us can already sense the fall movie season creeping closer and closer by the day. Well, not so fast, we still have some summer fun left in the tank and by golly we'll use it all up by the time the month is over and done.Clearly, the most prominent summer fun still alive and kicking is the third and final week of Fantasia, which concludes on Sunday August 7th. Reviews for all the movies viewed during the first week are up, meaning this week will feature reviews of films discovered throughout week 2. I sincerely hope you are enjoying the coverage. I know, I know, a lot of these movies will only get limited play (if they receive  North American theatrical releases) , but I like to think that if you do get the chance to watch one of the movies Between the Seats wrote about, we'll have been the ones who encouraged you the most to check it out.

You might have noticed that no reviews for the Shaw Brothers marathon have been published since a few weeks ago. That is partly because of that unbearable stretch of work last week and me simply paying more attention to Fantasia than anticipated. Don't worry, the Brothers will be back as early as this week with a review of 1972's The Water Margin.

A couple of major comic book inspired films were released over the past two weekends, Captain America and Cowboys and Aliens. I had much interest in the latter and very little in the former, but circumstances led Between the Seats to check out both, so expect some thoughts on those two films in the coming days.

Alas, the Shootout at High Noon marathon with Bill's Movie Emporium is now officially complete. I very much enjoyed writing alongside with Bill about the much revered western genre. I like to think that the marathon was a success. My fellow blogger and I have already begun communicating about what might be the next joint marathon theme. Nothing is set in stone, but if our original idea comes to fruition, we have something quite interesting in store for all of you. Of course, without an official topic and without official films, no timeline has been set, so it is impossible right now to give an indication of when, exactly, the next joint marathon will happen. Stay tuned.

As always, thank you for reading. If were another way for Between the Seats to demonstrate its appreciation for its readership beyond these little 'thank you' messages, we'd do it.

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