Wednesday, November 24, 2010

Blogging Around (November 24th, 2010)

Hello readers!

It's time again to browse around the other film blogs for all the little treasure troves that some of you may have overlooked. Fear not, that's what this recurring blog column is all about, making sure you don't miss because we at Between the Seats have done all the work for you. I may not live in the United States, but they are a neighbouring country and I hear that this week is Thanksgiving in their neck of the woods, so let's just say I'm doing this in the spirit of things. Enjoy!

Laura at City Lights is all giddy about the new 127 Hours film, especially for the structure of the story and for lead actor James Franco's performance. Check out the full review.

We've all had those discussion (or arguments) about whether or not the movie or the source material on which it was based on, usually a book, was the superior product. Well, Norma at The Flick Chick is comparing the first novel and film in the Millenium trilogy, The Girl With the Dragon Tattoo. Read to find out what her verdict is. The conclusion may surprise you.

I'm not the biggest Tony Scott fan (Man on Fire is the only movie of his that I'm ready to say that I love, much of the rest is rather 'meh'), but Mike Lippert makes a solid case for the merits for the director's latest collaborative effort with Denzel Washington, Unstoppable. Read the full review here.

This has nothing to do with film, but Sarah at Sarah's Kitchen Adventures (who is also a fellow Filmspotter. Represent!) is sharing a recipe for Red Velvet cupcakes. The name alone made me check out her blog post and quite frankly, I think I will eat some as I watch some films over the upcoming weekend.

And to my American neighbours and fellow bloggers: Have a fantastic Thanksgiving! Hey, it gives us NFL football in the middle of the week, so it must a great holiday!

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