Saturday, October 30, 2010

Blogging Around (October 30th, 2010)

Hello readers,

It is Halloween weekend and it seems that with each passing year Halloween takes on smaller and smaller significance for me. There are little decorations around town and none of my friends have mentioned about doing anything Halloween related this weekend. I guess that's what happens in those funny years after childhood but before one has children of their own, in which case Halloween will probably become super important once again.  Not many of my blogging brethren have gotten into the spirit either it seems. Regardless, there were still some interesting nuggets of gold to be discovered this week. Here we go:

-Laura at City Lights believe that the recent sci-fi drama Never Let Me Go deserves some serious Oscar consideration. Find out why.

-Peter's amusing Gimme 5 column at the Magic Lantern propose a top 5 list of movies with animals in starring roles.

- Mike Lipper is not one to shy away from the tough questions, as is proven in one of his more recent articles in which he questions the direction the Criterion Collection is taking for their upcoming DVD releases.

-Bill's Splatter Time Fun Fest is coming to a close with his first annual Machete awards at his Emporium. No, that's not right, it's the second annual award celebrations, isn't it? But the article's title clearly says first...Bill, what have you done this time!?!


  1. It's the second awards Edgar, but since I changed the name of my horror festival to the name of last years awards I decided to rename the awards. Thus, they are the second awards, but the first to have the Bloody Machete moniker. So, in summation, I've screwed everything up, that's what I've done...

  2. Thank you much for the link love! Greatly appreciated...always great to find a new film blog out there. I try to get to as many as I can and go back to thanks for introducing me to yours. The Gimme 5 is a fun post I do each Friday - gets some good play. Happy halloween!
